Vina, ki so jih darovali briški vinarji, so opremljena z edinstvenimi etiketami – umetniškimi deli, ki so nastala v sklopu mednarodnega festivala Art Circle. Z zbranimi sredstvi bomo v sodelovanju z Rotary Medana-Goriška skušali uresničiti delček otroških sanj.
- Izklicna cena vina je 150€.
- Na dražbi sodelujete tako, da v polje »Vaša ponudba« vnesete znesek, ki ga dražite v €.
- Zbrane ponudbe bomo na strani osveževali predvidoma 2x dnevno za čas trajanja dražbe.
- Zato nas redno spremljajte in pridno dražite želeno vino.
Navijamo za vas
The wines graciously donated by Brda’s winemakers come adorned with one-of-a-kind labels, each a masterpiece crafted during the renowned international Art Circle festival. Teaming up with Rotary Medana-Goriška, we aspire to turn a fragment of a child’s dream into reality through the raised funds.
- The starting price for a bottle of wine is €150.
- To participate in the auction, enter the amount you are bidding in € in the “Your bid” field.
- We will refresh the bids collected on the site twice a day for the duration of the auction.
- Follow us regularly and bid diligently for the wine you want.
We are rooting for you!