- Z udeležbo na dražbi vsak udeleženec izrecno sprejema ta pravila.
- Organizatorja dražbe sta Kontrabant, d.o.o., Vipolže 76A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih (v nadaljevanju Kontrabant) in Rotary klub Medana-Goriška, Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih (v nadaljevanju Rotary klub Medana-Goriška).
Rotary klub Medana-Goriška se zavezuje, da zagotovi predmete dražbe in tekoči račun, na katerega se izplača iztržena vrednost, Kontrabant pa brezplačno zagotovi infrastrukturo za izvedbo dražbe.
Dražba je javna in poteka na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si.
Iztržen znesek je namenjen za nakup enega ali več defibrilatorjev, s katerimi bodo pokrite najbolj frekventne točke na območju Brd. - Predmet dražbe so polnjene 3-literske steklenica vina, ki so jih za namen dobrodelne dražbe darovali briški vinarji. Celoten seznam vinarjev in vin je objavljen na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si.
Vsaka steklenica poseduje svojo unikatno umetniško poslikavo, ki so jo za namen dobrodelne dražbe ustvarili umetniki Mednarodnega festivala vizualnih umetnosti – ART CIRCLE. Celoten seznam vseh sodelujočih umetnikov je objavljen na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si. - Na dražbi lahko sodelujejo domače pravne ali fizične osebe, starejše od 18 let, ki na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si, preko vstopnega obrazca podajo podatke o identiteti in kontaktne podatke.
S poslanimi podatki dražitelj – fizična oseba ali pooblaščeni zastopnik pravne osebe – izrecno jamči za točnost posredovanih podatkov, nepreklicnost ponujenih zneskov na dražbi, da ima ustrezna pooblastila za udeležbo na dražbi in da bo zneske poravnal skladno s temi pravili. - Upravljalec osebnih podatkov dražiteljev, potrebnih za sodelovanje v dražbi, je Kontrabat, Rotary klub Medana-Goriška pa bo seznanjen samo z zmagovalci dražbe za namen izročitve predmetov dražbe.
Z osebnimi podatki bo upravljalec ravnal skrbno in odgovorno, zbiral in obdeloval pa jih bo skladno z evropsko in slovensko zakonodajo. Več o tem na spletni strani www.kontrabant.si. - Dražitelji pri dražbi uporabljajo spletni obrazec, dostopen na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si, v katerem navedejo znesek za dražitev predmeta dražbe iz 3. točke.
Izklicna cena za vsak posamezno steklenico vina je 150,00 evrov. Dražitelji lahko izklicno ceno poljubno zvišujejo.
Dražitelj ali kupec, ki ne izpolni svojih obveznosti, odškodninsko odgovarja organizatorjema. - Dražba se začne 23. 5. 2023 ob 12.00 uri, in sicer, ko se na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si javno izkličejo predmeti dražbe z izklicnimi cenami in vpraša dražitelje, ter se konča 6. 6. 2023 ob 12.00 uri.
- Dražitelji lahko zvišujejo izklicno ceno za znesek določen v 6. točki teh pravil. Oddana ponudba je zavezujoča. Ko dražitelj ponudi vrednost za odkup predmeta na dražbi, se s tem zaveže, da ga bo tudi kupil v primeru zmage.
- Dražba se konča dne 6. 6. 2023 ob 12.00 uri. Po zaključku dražbe se na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si razglasi vse kupce – dražitelje, ki so za posamezno steklenico ponudili najvišjo ceno.
Vsak dan se (predvidoma dvakrat dnevno) na spletnem portalu www.kontrabant.si objavi najvišje ponudbe, ki so bile prejete v preteklih 24 urah, pri čemer je najvišji znesek zadnjega dne lahko objavljen večkrat v dnevu. Če bosta prejeti dve enaki ponudbi za isti produkt, bo veljavna tista, ki je bila prejeta prej. Dražitelj je ob višini zneska dolžan navesti tudi osebne podatke o identiteti in kontaktne podatke, oboje samo za namene dražbe. Ponudbe brez osebnih podatkov o identiteti in kontaktnih podatkov ne bodo upoštevane. - Kupec mora kupnino plačati v roku 8 dni po zaključku dražbe, in sicer z nakazilom na transakcijski račun:
Rotary klub Medana-Goriška
Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih
TRR: SI56 0444 4000 2467 302
(brez sklica) - Kupljene premične stvari kupcu po plačilu celotne kupnine izroči v last in posest Rotary klub Medana-Goriška na dan dogodka Dnevi odprtih kleti Brda – DOK 2024 oz. po dogovoru.
- Vsi dražitelji se strinjajo, da lahko organizator dražbe njihove osebne podatke (ime, priimek, e-naslov ter telefonska številka) uporablja za namene obveščanj o poteku dražbe.
Podatki dražiteljev ne bodo javno objavljeni, uporabljeni bodo le za kontakt s tistimi, ki bodo do konca dražbe za artikel oddali najvišje ponudbe. - Dražitelji lahko zahtevajo:
- izpis ali vpogled v podatke, s čimer se lahko seznanijo z osebnimi podatki, ki jih organizatorja o uporabniku obdelujeta,
- popravek podatkov v primerih, ko dražitelji menijo, da osebni podatki, ki jih obdelujeta organizatorja, niso pravilni,
- izbris ali omejitev obdelave svojih osebnih podatkov, če želijo, da organizatorja prenehata oziroma omejita obdelavo vseh ali dela njihovih osebnih podatkov.
Poleg tega lahko dražitelji: - uveljavljajo pravico do prenosljivosti osebnih podatkov, ki so jih posredovali organizatorjema.
Dražitelji pravice uveljavljajo tako, da Rotary klubu Medana-Goriška ali podjetju Kontrabant posredujejo zahtevo v pisni obliki, in sicer:
- na e-naslov: info@rotarymedana.si ali info@kontrabant.si
- na poštni naslov: Rotary klub Medana-Goriška, Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih ali Kontrabant, d.o.o., Vipolže 76A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih.
Terms & Conditions of the wine charity auction as part of the DOK Brda event
- By participating in the auction, each participant expressly accepts these rules.
- The organizers of the auction are Kontrabant, doo, Vipolže 76A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih (hereinafter Kontrabant) and Rotary Club Medana-Goriška, Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih (hereinafter Rotary Club Medana-Goriška).
The Medana-Goriška Rotary Club undertakes to provide the auction items and the current account to which the recovered value is paid, while Kontrabant provides the infrastructure for the auction free of charge.
The auction is public and takes place on the web portal www.kontrabant.si.
The collected amount is intended for the purchase of one or more defibrillators, which will cover the most frequent points in the Brd area. - The subject of the auction are filled 3-liter bottles of wine, which were donated by the winemakers of Bris for the purpose of the charity auction. The complete list of winemakers and wines is published on the web portal www.kontrabant.si .
Each bottle has its own unique artistic painting, which was created for the purpose of the charity auction by the artists of the International Festival of Visual Arts – ART CIRCLE. The complete list of all participating artists is published on the web portal www.kontrabant.si. - Domestic legal or natural persons over the age of 18 can participate in the auction, providing identity and contact information via the entry form on the online portal www.kontrabant.si.
With the data sent, the auctioneer – a natural person or an authorized representative of a legal entity – expressly guarantees the accuracy of the data provided, the irrevocability of the amounts offered at the auction, that he has the appropriate authorizations to participate in the auction and that he will settle the amounts in accordance with these rules. - The administrator of the personal data of the auctioneers required to participate in the auction is Kontrabat, and the Medana-Goriška Rotary Club will only be informed of the auction winners for the purpose of handing over the auction items.
The operator will handle personal data carefully and responsibly, and will collect and process them in accordance with European and Slovenian legislation. More about this on the website www.kontrabant.si. - During the auction, the auctioneers use an online form, accessible on the web portal www.kontrabant.si, in which they state the amount for auctioning the object of the auction from point 3.
The asking price for each individual bottle of wine is 150.00 euros. Auctioneers can raise the asking price at will.
An auctioneer or buyer who fails to fulfill his obligations shall be liable to the organizers for damages. - The auction starts on 5/23/2023 at 12:00 p.m., when the auction items are publicly announced on the website www.kontrabant.si with the asking prices and the auctioneers are asked, and ends on 6/6/2023 at 12:00 p.m.
- Auctioneers may increase the asking price by the amount specified in point 6 of these rules. The submitted offer is binding. When an auctioneer offers a value to buy an item at auction, he commits to buy it if he wins.
- The auction ends on June 6, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. After the end of the auction, the online portal www.kontrabant.si announces all buyers – bidders who have offered the highest price for each bottle.
Every day (presumably twice a day) the highest offers received in the past 24 hours are published on the www.kontrabant.si website, whereby the highest amount of the last day may be published several times a day. If two identical offers are received for the same product, the one received first will be valid. The auctioneer is also obliged to provide personal identity information and contact information at the amount of the amount, both for auction purposes only. Offers without personal identity and contact information will not be considered. - The buyer must pay the purchase price within 8 days after the end of the auction, namely by transfer to the transaction account:
Rotary club Medana-Goriška
Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdih
TRR: SI56 0444 4000 2467 302
Purpose: DOK CHARITY 2023
(no reference) - After payment of the entire purchase price, the purchased movable property is handed over to the Rotary Club of Medana-Goriška on the day of the Open Cellar Days of Brda – DOK 2024 or by agreement.
- All bidders agree that the auction organizer may use their personal data (name, surname, e-mail address and telephone number) for the purpose of informing them about the progress of the auction.
The bidders’ information will not be made public, it will only be used to contact those who will submit the highest bids for the item by the end of the auction. - Bidders may request:
- extracting or viewing the data, with which they can become familiar with the personal data that the organizers process about the user,
- correction of data in cases where the auctioneers believe that the personal data processed by the organizers are incorrect,
- deletion or restriction of the processing of their personal data, if they want the organizers to stop or limit the processing of all or part of their personal data.
In addition, bidders may: - exercise the right to portability of personal data that they have provided to the organizers.
Auctioneers exercise their rights by submitting a written request to the Rotary Club of Medana-Goriška or the company Kontrabant, namely:
- to the e-mail address: info@rotarymedana.si or info@kontrabant.si
- to the postal address: Rotary club Medana-Goriška, Plešivo 37A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdi or Kontrabant, doo, Vipolže 76A, 5212 Dobrovo v Brdi.